Small Footprint Big Yield
Small Footprint Big Yield
An ongoing series of informational entries
An ongoing series of informational entries

What you Should Consider When Considering a Garden Bed
What you Should Consider When Considering a Garden Bed
February 23, 2021
What should you consider when considering a garden bed?
1. SUN EXPOSURE - Map out where you get the most sun. Remember, your heat loving veggies / fruit should be planted in high sun areas. cooler temperature loving veggies should be planted in semi sunny areas to avoid bolting in the heat. Seed packages often offer information on planting including whether that particular plant requires shade, semi shade or full sun.
2. SPACE BETWEEN EACH GARDEN BED - Be sure to leave yourself enough room between each planter to comfortably walk through and work. If your space allows, we suggest enough room to be able to fit a wheelbarrow between each garden bed.
3. FILL WITH GOOD QUALITY SOIL - Remember to fill your garden bed with good quality soil!
4. DO YOU PLAN TO GROW CLIMBING PLANTS? - If you plan to grow climbing plants consider whether a cage will provide enough support and height? If not, a vine attachment or lattice attachment may be just what your plant needs to grow to its maximum potential.

Don't Let a Small Space Discourage You!
Don't Let a Small Space Discourage You!
January 20, 2021
Planters allow gardens to happen in places that previously were not an option; a go to for urban gardeners, especially those with small outdoor spaces and strata restrictions.
There are so many ways to utilize small spaces, like balconies, porches, and small yards, to support a garden. There are lots of options for growing fresh vegetables, fruit, and flowers. The number one way to increase your gardening space is to garden vertically. A tiered planter makes great use of space and can be used to grow a variety of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. Shelves allow for multiple planted pots to be placed and baskets can be hung on walls and railings. Vine attachments, wire gardening cages and lattice attachments provide support for climbing plants while also offering privacy. These options are especially good for apartments where digging in the ground is not allowed. These alternatives can be set up on balconies, paved areas, and other places where a traditional garden is not allowed. They can be easily moved or removed, meeting most strata unit regulations.

Benefits of Urban Gardening
Benefits of Urban Gardening
October 28, 2016
Health professionals are increasingly recognizing the value of both food and non food urban agriculture. Some of the benefits to urban gardening are:
Reduces stress;
Make's people calmer and happier;
Provides a great source of nutrition;
Increases the amount of food grown and bought locally;
Decreases your carbon footprint;
Increases food security;
Improves air quality levels;
Provides learning opportunities;

Repel Ants
Repel Ants
June 7, 2019
Before reaching for chemicals, try planting these plants around your home, to help keep those pesky ants at bay.

Repel Mosquitos
Repel Mosquitos
October 28,February 14, 2017
Before reaching for chemical sprays, try planting these plants which have natural mosquito repelling properties.
Lemon Balm

Help Save the Bee's
Help Save the Bee's
April 3rd, 2017
Around the world, bee populations are declining due to a variety of factors.
Humans are becoming more urban and bees are losing their habitat. You can create a bee-friendly environment, allowing them to reclaim at least a small part of their habitat. While no one wants to hear that the world’s bee population is under threat, many still balk at the idea of attracting bees into their garden. However, it is important to understand that, unlike wasps and hornets, bees are not aggressive and will not sting unless they feel under threat.
So how can you help?
Plant bee friendly flowers and flowering herbs in your yard and garden.
Avoid using chemicals and pesticides on your lawn and garden.
Strive to buy local.
Support local farmers.
Bees are thirsty - Put a small basin of fresh water outside your home. Put a few stones and a floating cork on the water so bees won’t drown!
Reconsider weeding. Many plants like dandelion, for example, are an excellent source of food for bees. In early spring, those “weeds” are often the only source of food for beneficial insects.
Become a Beekeeper.
Buy or create a mason bee home for your outdoor space.

Your Garden
Your Garden
Feb 26, 2017
Plant the types of fruits, vegetables and herbs that you and your family like to eat, in your very own Riverbend Planters garden! If you're big on salads, plant a variety of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Love to cook? Plant onions, peppers, potatoes and herbs. Strawberries fresh from the garden will satisfy any sweet tooth! Why not try planting something new this season!

High Yield Plants for Small Garden Spaces
High Yield Plants for Small Garden Spaces
March 15, 2016
Your garden may be small, but that doesn't mean that your vegetable output has to be. Make a big dent in your grocery bill with these high yield plants!
Leaf Lettuce
Cherry or Grape Tomatoes
Bell Peppers
Pole Beans

Western Red Cedar
Western Red Cedar
May 15, 2018
Did you know that the western red cedar is British Columbia's official tree. It was adopted in 1988 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of B.C Forest Services.
Western red cedar is a tree that grows to a height of 125 ft (60 m) in mixed coniferous forests. It has red-brown or gray-brown bark. Its foliage develops in sprays about 6 in long with small, highly aromatic leaves.
Resistant to decay and insect damage, the wood can remain sound for over 100 years before being processed!
The cedar primarily grows along the west coast of British Columbia and can be found throughout Vancouver Island.
Also known as the “tree of life,” because it is used in so many applications!

Creative Things You Can Make From Your Herb Garden
May 8, 2017
A lot of people have herb gardens! Aside from fresh picking, here are some creative things you can make from your herb garden!
Garlic Herb Cheese Bites
Flavored Butter - great for dinner rolls, bread-sticks and even toast!
Infused Vinegar
Herbed Ice Cubes - Freeze your herbs in ice cubes made with olive oil. Then, when it’s time to cook, throw a cube of whichever herb or combination of herbs the recipe calls for. Freeze them individually or combine all the herbs you use the most.
Salad Dressing
Herbal Salts
Mint Julep
Garnish for your Cocktails